Duvet derives from the French word meaning a bag filled with down, cotton, wool, or some other natural material. Which in it's most simplest form means basically a comforter or more then likely a down comforter. In the west across the Atlantic people referrer to comforters as duvets. And the duvet covers are the covers that protect these duvets. Duvet covers come in a range of different styles and looks from retro to modern there seems to be a look to meet everyone's needs. In places like England and France the duvet cover is a lot more common to see in the bedroom then it is over here in America. With all it's many uses it is hard to see why we have been a lot slower catching on to the swing of things.
Comforter covers are nothing more then duvets but with our western swing. Many people get these two things mixed up a lot because they unknowingly think that they are two different things when they are actually talking about the same thing. Although duvet means comforter we in the west relate duvets to the actual comforter cover and not the comforter itself. Comforter covers only seem to be in the homes of middle class Americans and above unlike in places like Europe and Paris where they can be found in almost any home which is strange because they are a great way to save money. But, with their increasing popularity maybe one day we will see them in every American home.